With the forthcoming release of Adventures In Anhedonia, due for release on the 7th November 2024, I thought I would write a few words about it.
The last few years have been a very difficult period in my life, for numerous reasons. I have had to come to terms with a lot of things and also deal with my own mental health. There have been family deaths, deaths of friends, illnesses, Brexshit, mental breakdown, COVID and lockdown, health issues, the state of the world and … anhedonia. I think this is relatable for many people out there too.

When writing for this album a distinct thread appeared running through both the music and the words. It became easy to separate the album from that of Diurnal, both musically and lyrically. It was clear that this was a completely different kind of album to Diurnal, even though the writing and recording happened pretty much simultaneously. When you hear it you will clearly feel it too, I believe. Even my playing took a different direction and feel, I think.
It is without a doubt Nine Stones Close, but with a new twist on the sound. There are new territories explored, musically, and I am very proud of it. The whole band has been on top form yet again for these recordings and it shows. Brendan and I have a great way of working together and complementing each others ideas and demos. We take each others tracks and embellish them or often take them into new territories and arrangements. Some of the tracks are almost unrecognisable in places from the original ideas shared. It’s always a pleasure to work together.
As for the vocals, once again Aio has nailed every track. We have found a great partnership since our early steps on Leaves. We have a great way of working together now, which really shows on the new stuff. These days I create the guide vocal while writing the lyrics and send it to Aio who, after he has finished laughing at my awful droning voice trying to hold a tune, then takes this and sings it properly, adding his own take to the vocal melodies and making it uniquely his.
Just in case you were wondering, none of my demo tracks will ever be available for release, they have been deleted and all hard drives wiped of evidence… oh shit, Aio still has them!! Better not piss him off !!
Lars and Joachim have been great and also added their own touches and feel to the tracks. My friend Michel Simons (Jet Black Sea) also contributes brilliantly on a couple of songs, taking them to another level. Landwaster in particular. There is even a track I made with my son, Alex, where we jammed and played together on New Years Day 2024, and came up with something spontaneously. We recorded it live, there and then, in the studio with one overdub later.

Paul van Zeelend provided the icing on the cake again as always, with his contributions to the production and the incredible mix and master of the album. To me it sounds as powerful, deep and open as anything we have ever done. The details are all there.
We hope that you enjoy it when you get to hear it.
Thanks again for all of your support.